Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Homework: French Revolution Political Cartoon Analysis

Complete the following political cartoon analysis. Write on your own paper and bring it with you to class on Friday. Also, draw your own political cartoon about the French Revolution and complete the political cartoon analysis for the cartoon you have drawn (also due Friday!)

Ideas for Cartoon: The 3 Estates, Marie Antoinette, King Louis XVI, The Reign of Terror, Napoleon, etc.

Cartoon Analysis:
  • List the objects or historical figures found in the cartoon
  • Come up with a caption or title for the cartoon
  • List 3 adjectives of emotions being shown in cartoon
  • Explain the message of the cartoon. How does it relate to the French Revolution?

Soundtrack Assignment

The French Revolution Soundtrack Assignment
We as a class have just been signed by Lancer Records to create a compilation album over the 3 stages of the French Revolution.

Stages of the French Revolution:
• Stage 1: Moderate/Bourgeoisie
• Stage 2: Radical & Reaction to the Revolution
• Stage 3: Napoleon becomes dictator & emperor of France

Using Viva La Vida by Coldplay (see video in post titled French Revolution Video) as your inspriation, come up with at least one song for each of the three stages. You will need to post your response in the comment section. Don't forget to explain why you picked the song and how it fits into the French Revolution and that particular stage of the revolution.

*** Respond to at least 1 classmate's song choice***

Example of Song Explanation
Stage 1: We’re Not Gonna Take It by Twisted Sister
• This song works for Stage 1 of the French revolution because it shows the frustration of the bourgeoisie and the third estate. When the Estates-General meets to discuss France’s financial problems, their opinions are dismissed by King Louis XVI and the delegates of the first and second estates. As a response to their lack of say, the third estate decides to take a stand and write a new constitution for the citizens of France, proving the third estate is not going to take it anymore.

French Revolution Video

Watch the following video on the French Revolution (Song is Viva La Vida by Coldplay). Apply 2 lines of the song to what we talked about in class over the French revolution. Post your comments to this in the comments section.

If video is not showing up follow this link: